SIEDS through its members, both full time and voluntary, continues to extend support and solidarity to various networks and organisations working with women, tribals, dalits, the urban poor, transgender and sexual minorities, sex workers, garment workers, women farmers etc.
Among others, those that SIEDS is collaborating with include:
A collective of women in street sex work initiated by some members of CIEDS but now registered and functioning independently and backed by a group of supporting organisation including CIEDS and Gamana Women’s Collective. SIEDS which has long been working on the issue of rights and dignity of sex workers is also an institutional member of the National Network of Sex Workers of which Sadhana is also a member.
An organisation working with women in the informal sector like the garment industry addressing the issues they would face as women, both within their communities and as workers including domestic violence, sexual violence, sexual harassment at work place etc. We collaborate with them on their community outreach programme as also the problems they address in their work place.
Started by a group of people from the sexual minority community who have worked for more than 15 years in the field of crisis intervention and felt the need to expand and create a sustainable system of crisis intervention and also to establish a shelter system. They aspire to develop a resource center which will enable the marginalized sexualities and genders to live a life of dignity with all rights and entitlements.
Initiated and promoted by SIEDS as a forum for and by the Hakki Pikki and Iruliga tribals it has been associated with for the past several decades. Currently the Society independently represents the interests of the community vis a vis its land and livelihood rights with the government and general public.
Mahila Kisan Adhikaar Manch (Forum for Women Farmers’ Rights) is a nationwide informal forum of more than 120 individuals and organisations of farming women, of women farmers’ collectives, civil society organisations, researchers and activists, drawn from 24 states of India, to secure due recognition and rights of women farmers in India. The mission of MAKAAM is to visibilise women farmers – especially smallholder marginalized women, with a development vision led by social justice, plurality of knowledge systems and sustainability driven by ecological approaches – and to create and secure rights over productive livelihood resources (land in particular) as well as entitlements over a variety of support systems, with equal participation of these women in decision-making in various institutions starting family upwards, to ensure empowered, self-reliant, sustainable women’s livelihoods. SIEDS provides the secretariat for the Karnataka chapter of MAKAAM.