About Us
“Before this night is over and before the new dawn rises Maybe we can sit here in the shade and talk Not afraid to question
the dent in the dream or the words missing from the story”
—Jackie Kay
Values and Processes
Plurality, diversity and democracy have been the cornerstones around which SIEDS has evolved both its programmatic priorities and institutional culture.
Striving to reconcile the means with the ends and the personal with the political both in our work and vision, our attempts in the Collective, as SIEDS envisioned itself, have been to put into place those core institutional values and processes centred around:
that is horizontal,
diffused and incorporates dissent and difference
that is not so much linked to professional qualifications as much as to needs and experience
Decision making
that is facilitated through consensus and not through imposing the will of the majority over the minority
that is realised through balancing individual autonomy with collective responsibility
A holistic approach
to transformative politics which draws on activism, academia and aesthetics Over the past four decades of its journey the Collective has continued to be a work in progress. Never static – sometime falling and faltering, other times rising and sustaining, but most times, as Gandhi advocated, seeking to be the change it seeks to see in the world.
Structure of SIEDS
The CIEDS Collective: The Centre for Informal Education and Development Studies (CIEDS) is the core work collective comprising those committed on a full time basis with the work of SIEDS either as employees, volunteers or on contract. While informal, this is the nucleus of the structure that not only nurtures areas of work and individuals but is also the primary decision making body as far as programme and policies are concerned.
The SIEDS General Body: The legal body comprising of those full time members of the CIEDS Collective who have been inducted as members of the general body and also external members drawn from the field of academia, arts and social movements. The General Body not only passes the annual report and accounts but also elects the office bearers and the Executive Committee.
The Committee: This committee is elected from the general body and includes office bearers of the Society as also members drawn from the SIEDS general body. The Committee draws up and implements policies in consultation both with the core team of the CIEDS Collective and the SIEDS general body.
Advisory Committee: Those individuals drawn in for their expertise and insights who will guide our programmes in an advisory capacity and will not either be part of the Collective nor of the General Body.
Current office bearers of the Society
Meena Seshu
Madhu Bhushan
Vice President
GeorgeKutty A L
Altaf Ahamed
Shakun Mohini
Committee Member
Committee Member
Crisologo Furtado
Committee Member